Friday, 9 June 2017

Task 6 - Developed 3D Samples

To start off my final project i made the shape of the body out of cardboard
I then used paper mache to cover the body. This brought the body all together and made it look much neater.
Next thing that i made was the pincers that belong on the front of my minibeast. To make the pincers i got strips of cardboard and curled it up and put it on top of more rolled cardboard which was put together with tape.
this is what the body and pincers look like together
Next i used modroc on top of the cardboard pincers to keep them together and make them more solid than they were. 
Next i decided to curl up some paper into a ball and glue it at the middle top of the body and then used paper mache to connect it properly. this was designed to be a eyeball. I then taped the open shell/wings onto the body.
To finish off the design i paper mached the wings and body together but there was some problems because the cardboard got soggy from the water and became weak which made them bend so i wish i used modroc instead. Next i connected the pincers to the body but this time i used modroc which was far better. I even covered the eye which made it look a lot better in my opinion.

Task 5 - Notes on the Physical Properties of Materials

Wire is quite a useful material because it’s like drawing in 3 dimensions because unlike with pencil and drawing over a x and y axis with wire it’s like spacial drawing. It can be hard to get the detail you want with wire because it is very linear but there is different thickness of wires. You also can’t colour in wire but you can buy and use different coloured wire but even then, they are quite limited unlike using pencils. A huge difficulty of using wire is that it is so malleable which makes it hard to create straight shapes, wire is also easy to cut if you have the right materials but if you dont then it’s hard to use. Different wires have different malleability which can make it hard to create detail.

Modroc is an easy to use material but it also has its difficulties such as having to wet it and wait for it to dry. With Modroc, you need an Armature/Skeleton to put the Modroc on. Modroc is also a very messy material that gets a powder everywhere which can be quite dangerous if you breathe it in because you can get silicosis, since you must use water there is a chance of making a mess because of spillages. You should avoid using this material if you have breathing or skin problems because it absorbs moisture. Modroc is quite strong when it dries but it also has a problem because if it has dried and it breaks then you can’t just use water and put it together again.

Paper Mache
Just like Modroc it is quite similar such as having to wet it and wait for it to dry and you need an Armature/Skeleton to put the paper on. the strength of the paper mache depends on two things and that is the strength of the glue and how many layers of paper you put on. Other positives that you have is the fact that the paper is quite versatile and you can get different levels of detail and that it is quite cheap to use.

When it comes to combing the different materials i believe Modroc is best because it is very sturdy and can work on anything.

Task 4 - 3D Material Samples

For the first part of the sampling i used wire to make a cube, a cylinder and a sphere. I have to say that i did struggle while making this and i found them quite hard. This was because the wire is so malleable and i found it hard to make it straight and stay together. To make it easier i used masking tape and then used wire to keep it together.
Next thing that i sampled was cardboart and i stuck it togetehr to make a 3D shape. I bent the cardboard and stuck it together tp get the desired shape.
To make it look more bug like i put wire on the bottom of the bug for legs.
I got the cardboard that i shaped a moment ago and covered it in Modroc to see the effect. The effect that i got was that the sample was now very hard and stable. 
The next thing that i wanted to try out was paper mache so the first thing that i did was create a small sculpture to cover. I found the paper mache not as useful as the modroc because the paper mache was harder to use, it took longer to dry and the effect that i got wasnt as good as 

Task 3 - Ongoing and Final Evaluation Notes

Problems with wire is that it’s too malleable and it’s hard to get the correct shape that i want. Using wire is also quite hard to use and takes too long to create a 3D shape when you can make something easier with 

Modroc is a very messy material and if i would use it again i would prepare work space to make it easier to clean up. I would also consider using a hygiene mast and gloves as to not breathe in in or get it on my hands.

Paper mache
If i were to use paper mache again then i would try to get a better glue to water ratio and use more glue because i think i used too much water making the cardboard soggy and causing it to bend. I also prefer using the Modroc because it’s a lot more durable and the paper mache makes it very sticky.

Overall if i were to change anything about what i made i would replace the paper with Modroc because i prefer how it looks and how durable it is.

Task 2 - Design Ideas

For this task i had to design multiple different bugs/mini beasts which are basically like insect chimera. For the first design I started to make a ladybird but instead of  spots i made spikes and made the arms spikey.
My favourite design was another ladybird like design but this time i put huge pincirs at the front of it.
For the rest of the designs I made what i would call "treasure bugs". i made these by thinking about a mimic from RPGs. My idea for these would be dangerous insects that would hide away in  treasure. the first insect was a ladybug like insect based off of a ancient coin, the second was a necklace based off of a centipede and the last was a beetle based off of a golden scarab. 

Task 1 - Pen and pencil (bugs)

The first bug drawing that i did was just a copy of a ladybird that i did in pen.
The second was a drawing of the same bug but this time it was in pencil and i had to not take my pencil off of the page once i sytarted drawing.
The final of the 3 drawing was by fare the worst since i had to draw this one with my weak hand which i never use.
The next drawing that i did was one that i did feel quite proud of. I realised while drawing this one that i was much better at drawing more complex bugs that simple ones like the ladybird.
The next two drawing were done as the same activity. first thing i had to do was practice doing strokes, cross-hatching and stippling and then i had to draw the same insect as before but this time shade the bug in with the 3 techniques that i practiced.
For this drawing i had to draw another bug and this time shade in the bug which made a world of difference compared to when it wasn't shaded.
For this drawing i I was able to colour it in but apart from that there wasn't anything special to the drawing.
the next drawing that i did was done in two different coloured marker pens.
The last of these pictures show the saem bug done in two different ways. The first image was a drawing of a beetle that did when copying the images that i was given and the one after was a tracing of my image done by putting a see through plastic on top of my image and using glue as a basis i put on different things such as wire, string and powdered paint.